When It Is Time You Will Get Out

Waiting is not normal, and it is not for normal people. It is one of the worst feeling when it takes so long and your prayers are like unheard. Could be the more you pray the less you see. Sometimes you need a sign and it can’t be seen. To manage this, we need grace and patience. Otherwise, we may be our own enemy by failing to handle the season.

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It is easy to become impatient and give up in this season. But the word reminds us that let patience have its work. Patience builds you, so you can sustain what God has in store for you. Just because He is silent it doesn’t mean He is not working. He has a time frame and He knows it is good for us.

He wants us to get connected to Him. That we may not take matters in our own hands but His. We always need to determine to trust Him. There is hierarchy of growth in spirit, this is why we need to maintain a close relationship with Him even through these seasons.

We never grow spiritually when everything in our life is just the way we want it to be.

– Joyce Meyer

Pure [valuable] gold is a result of furnace. God is pure, He loves purity, and desire purity to be in our DNA and the whole identity. We are a project, and He has goals for us. It is in our favor to get tried. You can’t know how durable, reliable is someone unless they have been tried.

How do you know you trust God without trials? These seasons can be crazy but don’t forget, He is working. He has heard your prayers. Don’t question His system.

The Attitude

This is what you need. Stay positive. Stand in faith.

Read This :  The Waiting Season | p1

  • After patience has done its work.
  • You will see it coming.
  • You only need to stay with a good attitude.

Testing before the crown for David was a test to ready him. He had to wait for 13 years.

You have destiny, God will keep telling you before the season is over.
In 1 King 19, the anointed prophet Elijah was terrified hoping he would die by the hand of Jezebel. He fled to a cave [with His Big God] to hide. When time came, God told Him to get out. Waiting is always painful. Most of the times it’s uncomfortable filled with chaos, confusions, a lot of fears comes in.

At least today have a whisper telling you that soon you’ll get out. After God hiding Jesus in Egypt, He revealed Him back to the purpose. No matter how long it takes, you’ll get there. . If you ever had a promise from God, just remember Numbers 23:19 which affirms that God is not a son of man that He should lie. Never. Sometimes we miss the promise because we don’t know the season, or don’t get prepared. I pray you never miss your promise in Jesus’ name.


Putting that right, give yourself this prophecy by Janet William Leo;

“I have kept you Hidden and Unveiled. But I am about to remove the restraints and unleash you among the nations. YOU are one of my most valued treasures because You’ve been tried through fire & came forth as pure gold!! I have placed a crown of supernatural wisdom upon your head. You are purposed and set apart for my Glory.”

Author: Walulu Stanley

Walulu Stanley is the founder of Given To Rejoice Ministries known as GITRE Ministries. He is a graphics designer, evangelist, a gospel song writer and musician. He is a street evangelist and loves people.

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