The true unfailing love comes with peace amidst the storm.

Many times, we seek comfort, joy and peace in the wrong places. We always meet crude, harsh people and situations which abuses our lives until we lose faith. During that time, we can’t see where we can find refugee when the world seems a hazardous place to live.

Sometimes our tastes change completely, life gets to adapt to things which aren’t good for our lives, that’s how we lose it.
Every time of life is not important but every life is important. It’s what we always have to know that our lives are more important than anything as long as we are still breathing on this earth. For that reason, it’s worth of us protecting everything that makes our lives a better place to be.

Read This :   The Season To Letting Go

There is nothing that makes life worth a living than peace [of mind, emotions and heart], joy, hope and faith. But all these things can be met nowhere other than in Christ. In life we have struggles which are known of stealing. Sometimes it is the because of the absence of love in our hearts. That void we feel.

Today I got to tell you that regrets, loneliness, guilt, shame, brokenness, and such can steal everything from you. However, with love, you can always find yourself back. Everyone needs comfort during the dark days, and I am here to introduce you to the greatest source of love which comes with greatest comfort. You only need to embrace this love. It is free.

Looking for love, peace and comfort?

How precious is Your unfailing love, O God!

– Psalm 36:7

You are in the right place. There is gentleness and kindness which comes with overwhelming peace.
God always want us to have that joy and experience that peace which comes from Him. He only wants us to acknowledge that He loves us and then come to Him as a friend.

I am going to tell you that you are not casted or rejected. No matter how many times you have failed, don’t get yourself discouraged, you are loved.

Even if you have addictions, you’ve been cast out and feel unworthy, there is a place for you and this place is welcoming. Regardless of the most precious things you’ve lost and you lost. I assure you that today is the day to embrace this love to position your life in the place of liberty once again. Its found in the love of God.

Jesus got a place for you in the hands of the Father. He forgives, His love gives comfort, hope, joy and peace.
“You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to You.”
~Psalm 86:5

Perhaps you have met anger and cruelty along the journey, your justice was not granted, I want to tell you that God love you, He is merciful. I can tell you I have gone the roads of fire but when I met this love I freely shout out and say;

“But You, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.”
~Psalm 86:15

You don’t have to worry anymore once you come to God. I assure you that you’ll;
“Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever.”
Psalm 136:26.


Father my God, may You touch Your child with a hand of love and peace. Embrace Your child with steadfast love, delivering liberty and power to take away every yoke and bondage. I pray that you bring a revival that will bring testimony to Your child reading this in the name of loving Jesus Christ. Amen.

Author: Walulu Stanley

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GITRE Ministries is a non profit charity organization in Uganda actively responding to the needs of orphans, discipling and empowering communities to end poverty through self sustainable initiatives, life skills & education.

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